Drepung Loseling Public Talk ~ March 1, 2011

7:30 pm
Public Talk “Reincarnation: A Buddhist Perspective – Part III” by Geshe Dadul Namgyal

This week Geshe Dadul Namgyal will continue with part III of his talks on “Reincarnation”.  He will speak specifically on bardo (the intermediate state) and other related topics.

Drepung Loseling Monastery, Inc
1781 Dresden Drive
Atlanta, Georgia 30319


Our Hopes

Although there is no certainty about what lies ahead, people live with the hope that all will go well for them. It is impossible to fulfill our life when we are utterly discouraged. But if we manage to keep our hopes in the future alive, we will be able to overcome all sorts of difficulties and go on living. ~ His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama

Never get angry…

Never get angry, even with someone who has deliberately and maliciously harmed you. You should be grateful to such a person for helping you to purify past negative actions, to increase your determination to be free from samsara and to develop love and compassion. ~ Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche


I will say this is such great and true advice. Yet I cannot say I never get angry….but I do have less ‘reasons’ for anger which I attribute to reducing my ‘self’/ego.’