Freed from Fixations…

Our lack of self frees us from the compulsion to secure ourselves within the world. We do not need to become more real by becoming wealthy, or famous, or powerful, or beautiful. We are able to realize our nonduality with the world because we are freed from such fixations. – David Loy, “Healing Ecology.”

The way we….

The way we define and delimit the self is arbitrary. We can place it between our ears and have it looking out from our eyes, or we can widen it to include the air we breathe, or at other moments we can cast its boundaries farther to include the oxygen-giving trees and plankton, our external lungs, and beyond them the web of life in which they are sustained.  ~  Joanna Macy, “Positive Disintegration”


Soil of Clarity

Implicit in Buddhist compassion is a genuine awareness and deep acceptance of things as they truly are, painful as that may be. From this soil of clarity and connection, compassion is said to arise of itself. ~ Allan Hunt Badiner, “Is the Buddha Winking at Extinction?”

Strong Determination!

When you admit to yourself, ‘I must make this change to be more happy’—not because the Buddha said so, but because your heart recognized a deep truth—you must devote all your energy to making the change. You need strong determination to overcome harmful habits. ~ Bhante Henepola Gunaratana, “Getting Started”

"A little statue of Buddha."

“A little statue of Buddha.” (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Share your happiness

Whatever realization may come by way of silence, our happiness is never won that way. Happiness is not happiness unless it is shared. For happiness is the one thing in all the world that comes to us only at the moment we give it, and is likewise increased by being given away. ~  Clark Strand, “The Wisdom of Frogs.”